
A Coding Blog

Code the React Article Project

This final project was the culmination of everything I’ve learned up to this point with Flatiron. It began in the planning phase where I would be integrating a Rails API. Aided by endless videos, I set up my models, validations, database, serializers, and the rest of my backend without too much trouble. I kept in mind that “Likes” were a stretch goal that I eventually wanted to add to “Comments” and “Articles”. Either way, the user had to be able to log in, and create the other models.

Javascript Project - Maze Race

The Javascript module has lead to it’s conclusion required the production of one final project. For this project and the technologies involved it has felt like a culmination of everything I’ve learned so far.

Tournament Manager Project

Written in Ruby on Rails, this project brings together nearly all that we’ve studied throughout the course up to this date. This was the toughest, most challenging, or at least largest project involving the most amount of written code I’ve ever done. I wrote over 15 views, 5 controllers with methods, and many routes, models, and migrations. Most of it was by hand, with only slight help from generations, or partials.

Coding Typical Naming Conventions

While creating an app of any type, it’s good to keep a consistent system for naming variables, databases, classes, and methods. Most naming conventions come down to camel casing, snake casing, or pascal casing. Naming conventions with apps that have both a front and back end, and controllers in the middle, should be particularly careful with naming conventions as the complexity of the project increases.

Sinatra Plant Shop Project

This section of the curriculum really brings several concepts together. Founded still in object oriented programming to a degree, it’s the culmination of many lessons, and shows how different schools of thought can seamlessly work together to create a webpage that allows for users to create, save, and edit objects that persist in a database.